Mathematics Education/Research in an Open and Big Data Era

Theodosia Prodromou

Data revolution enables citizens to have access to an enormous amount of complex data sets. These emerging data sets include: 1) large-scale open databases, 2) the growing use of big data, and 3) novel tools and ways of visualising data. The aim of this Round Table is to bring together a community of researchers, who focus on the role of increasingly open data access within mathematics education, the access to “big data”, teaching and learning of mathematics/Statistics, data visualisation in open data contexts, new statistical literacies in a new open data and big data era, the increasing need of research tools that affords opportunities to: 1) study classroom practices in sophisticated ways provided the access to “big data” and the open-access nature of information, and 2) ways of visualising data. I invite those interested in “big data” and the increasingly open-access information to discuss their work or aspects of big data” and the increasingly open-access data in Mathematics/Statistics Education that are in need of research. A few questions are listed below to provoke conversation. Bring your own! 1. What is the role of open-access information (open data) and big data in Australian Mathematics classrooms? 2. What is the role of open-access information (open data) and big data in Mathematics research? 3. How can open-access information (open data) and big data be used in Mathematics (or Statistics) teaching and learning? 4. How do we need to change the way we think in terms of the nature of data and its availability, the ways in which data is displayed and used, and the skills that are required for its interpretation in order to take into account the full complexity of data? 5. What views must be included in a framework for teaching mathematical/Statistical literacy or data literacy in a new open data and big data era? 6. What the instructional and research dilemmas in data revolution era?