MERGA exists to provide a range of forums for raising important issues in mathematics education and sharing research findings that speak to how these issues might be effectively addressed. Through two peer-reviewed journals – Mathematics Education Research Journal and Mathematics Teacher Education and Development – and an engaging annual Conference, we promote, share and disseminate rigorous research in mathematics education across Australasia. Through our awards, we recognise and celebrate our members’ achievements.
MERGA maintains productive relationships with affiliate organisations who share our interest in mathematics, mathematics education and mathematics education research. Together, we seek ways to influence policy makers to improve both the preparation of teachers of mathematics and mathematics teaching and learning.
Our Vision
The Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia is committed to growing a research community that shapes the future of mathematics education through quality research.
MERGA is committed to growing a research community by:
Providing opportunities for members to share, discuss and debate research and matters concerning mathematics education;
Developing members’ capacity to conduct quality research;
Respecting and valuing what our diverse members bring to research and the community;
Supporting early researchers to lead aspects of MERGA; and,
Recognising and celebrating quality research.
MERGA is committed to shaping the future of mathematics education by:
Ensuring MERGA publications are accessible to stakeholders, including policy makers, researchers and teachers.
Seeking to influence decision makers to take account of research findings in mathematics education;
Maintaining liaison with other organisations with interests in mathematics education or educational research; and,
Promoting social justice research in mathematics education.
MERGA Constitution
The constitution is the key founding document of MERGA. It is a record of agreements on the basic principles of MERGA and is legally binding on all members. This constitution should be read in conjunction with the MERGA By-laws (amended July 2006, August 2021)
MERGA Policies
The aim of MERGA is to promote quality mathematics education at all levels, particularly in Australasia, through:
* Encouraging and promoting quality research in mathematics education
* Disseminating information on recent mathematics education research and teaching developments
* Seeking to influence decision makers at all levels to take account of research findings in mathematics education
* Providing means for members to communicate with each other on matters concerning mathematics education
* Maintaining liaison with other organisations with interests in mathematics education or educational research.
The following policy documents relate to life membership, research, privacy, ethics, and climate change and sustainability.
MERGA was established in 1977 when a group of mathematics education researchers came together for the inaugural Conference, MERGA1. A video of reflections from those who attended the MERGA1 Conference presented at the MERGA40 Anniversary Conference is available here. MERGA has a rich history spanning more than 40 years. Thanks to its founder, Professor Ken Clements, the story how MERGA was established is available below. Thanks to Lifetime Member, Associate Professor Judith Mousley and Professor Helen Forgasz for their dedication to preparing and updating the history of MERGA, available below.