Developing Self-Regulated Teacher Learners to Improve Student Outcomes in Mathematics
Janette Bobis, Jenni Way & Judy AndersonStudent disengagement in mathematics in the middle years and the related issues of underachievement and lower participation rates in higher levels of mathematics have been linked to teachers’understanding of mathematical content and their pedagogy (Ryan & Williams, 2007). Research has identified the on-going learning of teachers as key not only to improving their own knowledge, but also valued student outcomes (Timperley, Wilson, Barrar & Fung, 2007). The round table will begin by outlining the theoretical underpinnings of a professional learning program, Empowering Teachers of Mathematics (ETM) and its two complementary foci: its impact on teachers (knowledge, beliefs, practices and ability to self-direct their learning); and the measurement of student outcomes (engagement and achievement). The session will provide an opportunity for international colleagues to discuss issues affecting the (a) sustainable growth of teacher mathematical content and pedagogical content knowledge; (b) the engagement of middle-years students in mathematics; and (c) how self- directed learning in teachers can be supported in a program of professional learning.