Developing Computational Fluency in Multi-Digit Multiplication: A Learning Trajectory Approach
Kristen Tripet, Janette Bobis & Jenni WayLearning trajectories illustrate a pathway of learning in mathematical domains. Knowing how students develop particular mathematical knowledge informs the construction of learning trajectories, providing a link between conceptual understanding and task selection (Simon & Tzur, 2004). Much of the research in multi-digit multiplication has focused on strategies used by children to solve problems, with limited research outlining successful pathways to developing understanding and how these apply to the classroom setting (Bobis, 2007; Fuson, 2003). This presentation focuses on articulating a learning trajectory for multi- digit multiplication through an examination of relevant research. This trajectory will be the basis for further study and investigation through a teaching experiment with Year 5 students. It is anticipated that the study will demonstrate how tasks can be used to effectively promote the learning process.