Lisa O’Keeffe & Patrick Johnson
Numeracy skills testing is being introduced for pre-service teachers (PSTs) across Australia in the coming years. ACER and the Australian Government (Dept. of Education and Training, 2015) state that these skills tests are intended to demonstrate that PSTs are in the top 30% for numeracy. Given that the South Australian Literacy and Numeracy Strategy (Department for Education and Child Development, 2013, p.8) partially defines numeracy as an ‘ability to use mathematical information to solve problems’ it is logical to assume that categories of mathematical thinking should be evident in the numeracy test items. As part of their initial analysis, the authors are exploring an application of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics’ (NCTM) five processes of mathematical thinking (Representation, Reasoning and Proof, Communication, Problem Solving, and Connections) as a potential for mathematical characterisation of such numeracy items.