Student views on 21st Century Teaching and Learning of Mathematics

Bruce White

The term 21st Century Teaching & Learning highlights the 4Cs of collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and communication and is often connected with the use of technologies, in particular with the opportunities that being online offers. This presentation reports on a study examining students perceptions of the mathematics teaching and learning at a large suburban high school in South Australia that has made a significant effort to develop 21st Century Teaching and Learning across the school which incorporated a significant focus on the use of technologies. This presentation will report on students impressions of the effectiveness of the pedagogies used in mathematics and more generally on aspects of blended learning which was a focus for the changed pedagogy. The study indicated that over 90% of the students indicated that the students for the new approaches were effective or very effective for learning mathematics. Also, the student text responses indicated that they were using it to access materials out of hours, with senior year’s students commenting how they found it very useful for revision when the mathematics teachers uploaded the Interactive Whiteboard recordings.