Fitness for Purpose of Tertiary Algebra Textbooks: An Arabic Case Study

Fitness for Purpose of Tertiary Algebra Textbooks: An Arabic Case Study
Hassnaa ShaheedI will outline my PhD research into fitness for purpose of tertiary algebra textbooks used in Iraq in the education of pre-service teachers. I will consider (a) broad discourses and the use of introductions, examples, and explanations in light of cross-cultural studies such as the Japanese-U.S.A. comparison by Mayer et al., (b) pedagogies and assumptions about knowledge that can be inferred from the presentation style, referencing Magolda’s theory linking forms to assessment to underlying theories of knowledge, (c) types of proof used in light of the theories of Harel and Sowder, and Stacey and Vincent, and (d) multilingual issues, given that some texts are translations and others are written in Arabic.