“My Mom Thinks I Should be an Engineer’: Parental influences and Girls on Track for Math-Related Careers

Maria Droujkova, Sarah B. Berenson, Irena Rindos and Sue TombesDespite increasing girl retention in advanced high school mathematics programs, female college entrants disproportionately avoid math-related IT majors (National Academy of Engineering, 2002; National Research Council, 2001). Girls on Track (Berenson, 2004; Berenson, Vouk, & Robinson, 2002; Howe & Berenson, 2003), a longitudinal multi-institutional intervention program, works to increase middle-grade girls’ interest in math-related careers. Project data shows that parental influence is a key factor in the girls’ success in school mathematics and in their career choice. We identify four major roles of parents: Providing learning infrastructure such as books, software and tutoring, Being a role model and providing access to other community role models, Managing time and tasks, Emotional support and encouragement