SPOT Diagrams of a Partially Correct Construct

Caroline Yoon

SPOT (Structures Perceived Over Time) diagrams (Yoon, 2012) are analytical tools for visualising changes in the mathematical structures students create, attend to, and manipulate over time. SPOT diagrams use animated networks to portray relationships between mathematical objects and their attributes, as well as changes in these structures. In this presentation, I show how SPOT diagrams can be used to analyse the role of a participants Partially Correct Construct (PaCC) (Ron, Dreyfus and Hershkowitz, 2010) as she developed a method for determining relationships between a function, its derivative, and its antiderivative References Ron, G, Dreyfus, T. & Hershkowitz, R. (2010). Partially correct constructs illuminate students’ inconsistent answers. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 75, 65-87. Yoon, C. (2012, July). Mapping Mathematical Leaps of Insight. Regular Lecture presented at the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Seoul, Korea.