“Becoming” a researcher in mathematics education – Vince Geiger
The devil in details: Mathematics teaching and learning as managing inter-discursive gaps – Anna Sfard
Many pathways towards “Excellence” in Singapore mathematics education – Tin Lam Toh
Aspects of excellence in mathematics education – Berinderjeet Kaur
Excellence in mathematics education: Influences on the effective use of technology in primary classrooms – Catherine Attard
Excellence in mathematics education: Multiple confluences – Ban Heng Choy
Excellence in mathematics education: Models for teacher education practices – Oh Nam Kwon
A framework for teaching excellence in the context of university mathematics education – Victor Tan
Singapore Enactment Project – Berinderjeet Kaur (Chair), Tin Lam Toh, Joseph Boon Wooi Yeo, Yew Hoong Leong, Lu Pien Cheng
Strengths approaches in early childhood mathematics education – Amy MacDonald (Chair), Fiona Collins, Angela Fenton, Steve Murphy, Matt Sexton, Joce Nuttall, James Russo, Toby Russo
Let’s Count: Success and expansion – Bob Perry (Chair), Ann Gervasoni, Amy MacDonald, Sue Dockett, Anne Roche, Paige Lee
Issues and affordances in studying children’s drawings with a mathematical eye – Jennifer Way (Chair), Jill Cheeseman, Ann Downton, Anne Roche, Sarah Ferguson, Katherin Cartwright, Janette Bobis, Kate Quane, Mohan Chinnappan, Sven Trenholm
Understanding secondary school students’ motivations for mathematics subject choice: First steps in construct validation and correlational analysis – Jacky Tianmi Pei Bell, Jennifer Way, Paul Ginns
Exploring the ‘high’ and ‘low’ points in primary preservice teachers’ mathematics related identity development – Janette Bobis, Janet Nguyen, Heather McMaster
Coding and learning mathematics: How did collaboration help the thinking? – Nigel Calder, Kate Rhodes
Adapting curriculum materials in secondary school mathematics: A case study of a Singapore teacher’s lesson design – Sze Looi Chin, Ban Heng Choy, Yew Hoong Leong
By teaching we learn: Comprehension and transformation in the teaching of long division – Ban Heng Choy, Joseph Boon Wooi Yeo, Jaguthsing Dindyal
Using interviews with non-examples to assess reasoning in F-2 classrooms – Kate Copping
Spatial reasoning and the development of early fraction understanding – Chelsea Cutting
Secondary mathematics teachers’ conceptions of assessment – Hem Dayal
Secondary pre-service teachers’ views on using games in teaching probability: An international collaboration – Hem Dayal, Sashi Sharma
Language games in primary mathematics – Patrick Galvin
Insights into the pedagogical practices of out-of-field, in-field, and upskilled teachers of mathematics – Merrilyn Goos, Aoife Guerin
Noticing structural thinking through the CRIG framework of mathematical structure – Mark Gronow
Spatial ability, skills, reasoning or thinking: What does it mean for mathematics? – Danielle Harris
Contextualising space: Using local knowledge to foster students’ location and transformation skills – Danielle Harris, Tracy Logan, Tom Lowrie
Curriculum development and the use of a digital framework for collaborative design to inform discourse: A case study – Ellen Jameson, Rachael Whitney-Smith, Darren Macey, Will Morony, Anne-Marie Benson-Lidholm, Lynne McClure, David Leigh-Lancaster
The development and efficacy of an undergraduate numeracy assessment tool – Andrea Knowles, Chris Linsell, Boris Baeumer, Megan Anakin
Why should we argue about the process if the outcome is the same? When communicational breaches remain unresolved – Joanne Knox
The metaphor of transition for introducing learners to new sets of numbers – Igor’ Kontorovich, Rina Zazkis, John Mason
Engagement and outdoor learning in mathematics – Alexandra Laird, Peter Grootenboer, Kevin Larkin
Teacher actions for consolidating learning in the early years – Sharyn Livy, Janette Bobis, Ann Downton, Melody McCormick, James Russo, Peter Sullivan
Teaching towards Big Ideas: A review from the horizon – Yi Fong Loh, Ban Heng Choy
The Tattslotto question: Exploring PCK in the senior secondary mathematics classroom – Nicole Maher, Helen Chick, Tracey Muir
Capitalising on student mathematical data: An impetus for changing mathematics teaching approaches – Tracey Muir
The development of predictive reasoning in Grades 3 through 4 – Gabrielle Ruth Oslington, Joanne Mulligan, Penny Van Bergen
Comparative judgement and affect: A case study – Jennifer Palisse, Deborah King, Mark MacLean
A primary education mathematics initiative in an Indigenous community school – Bronwyn Reid O’Connor
Computer based mathematics assessment: Is it the panacea? – Angela Rogers
Why that game? Factors primary school teachers consider when selecting which games to play in their mathematics classrooms – James Russo, Toby Russo, Leicha A. Bragg
Charting a learning progression for reasoning about angle situations – Rebecca Seah, Marj Horne
Conceptualising 3D shapes in New Zealand primary classes – Shweta Sharma
“I think it’s 3D because it’s not 2D”:Construing dimension as a mathematical construct in a New Zealand primary classroom – Shweta Sharma
The development and validation of two new assessment options for multiplicative thinking – Dianne Siemon, Rosemary Callingham, Lorraine Day
Professional development and junior secondary mathematics teachers: Can out-of-field teachers benefit too? – Rebekah Strang
Perspective taking: Spatial reasoning and projective geometry in the early years – Jennifer S. Thom, Lynn M. McGarvey, Nicole D. Lineham
The reification of the array: The case of multi-digit multiplication – Kristen Tripet
Leading mathematics: Doings of primary and secondary school mathematics leaders – Colleen Vale, Anne Roche, Jill Cheeseman, Ann Downton, Ann Gervasoni, Penelope Kalogeropolous, Sharyn Livy, James Russo
What sense do children make of “data” by Year 3? – Jane Watson, Noleine Fitzallen
Pre-service teachers’ wellbeing balance when learning mathematics and numeracy – Philemon Chigeza
Pre-service teachers on the use of mobile apps for teaching geometry – Shiyama Edirisinghe, Nigel Calder, Sashi Sharma
Digital competences of high school mathematics teacher in Pakistan: A pilot study to validate the online survey – Mairaj Jafri
Analysis of secondary school textbooks on trigonometric identities – Si Ying Lim
Pedagogical and epistemic beliefs of pre-service secondary mathematics teachers: A pilot study – Margaret Marshman, Anne Bennison
Teaching 21st Century Skills in the mathematics classroom – Jennifer Missen
Hands, Head and Heart (3H) Framework: More evidence for self-similarity – Da Yang Tan, Eng Guan Tay, Kok Ming Teo, Paul Maurice Edmund Shutler
A decade of MERGA research papers in mathematics teacher education – Daya Weerasinghe
Using metaphors to evaluate pre-service teachers’ attitude change over first year mathematics unit – Jonathan Adams, Tracy Logan
The impact of the COVID19 induced primary school closures on the use of engaging mathematics pedagogies – Catherine Attard, Steve Murphy, Lena Danaia, Kathryn Holmes, Jacquie Tinkler, Fiona Collins
Pre-schoolers’ number sense strategies and patterns of strategy use during interactions with multi-touch technology – Chengxue Ge, Stephen I. Tucker, Siyu Huan
What teachers notice about student’s online mathematical thinking – Anita Green
Professional learning using a peer learning circle – Vesife Hatisaru, Sharon Fraser, Carol Murphy, Greg Oates
From modeling perspectives to analyse the mathematics grounding activities in classes: Take the game of adding and subtracting decimal numbers module as an example – Wei-Hung Huang, Wan-Ching Tseng
Disrupting deficit discourses in mathematics education: Documenting the funds of knowledge of young diverse learners – Jodie Hunter
How can novice STEM teachers develop integrated STEM materials: The first step from mathematics textbooks – Takashi Kawakami, Akihiko Saeki
Overcoming issues of status and creating pathways for learning mathematics in one primary school classroom – Generosa Leach
Primary school mathematics teachers’ exploration of integration strategies within a community of practice – Tarryn Lovemore, Sally-Ann Robertson
Investigating the disconnect of theory and practice: Differentiating instruction in secondary mathematics – Andrew Marks, Geoff Woolcott, Christos Markopoulos, Lisa Jacka
Reflecting upon mathematical competency: An appreciative inquiry – Catherine McCluskey
Implementing a Spatial Reasoning Mathematics Program (SRMP) in Grades 3 through 4 – Joanne Mulligan, Geoff Woolcott, Michael Mitchelmore, Susan Busatto, Jennifer Lai, Brent Davis
Connecting calculation strategies through grounding metaphors – Carol Murphy
A scoping review of research into mathematics classroom practices and affect – Steve Murphy, Naomi Ingram
Supporting pre-service teachers of mathematics to ‘notice’ – Lisa O’Keeffe, Bruce White
Collaborative problem-solving: An initial analysis of the role of prompts to support online learners in mathematics – Lisa O’Keeffe, Bruce White, Amie Albrecht, Chelsea Cutting, Bec Neil
Spatial and numeracy skills at the beginning of preschool: A large-scale, nationally representative study – Ilyse Resnick, Tom Lowrie
Assessment-related affect in mathematics: Results from a quasi-experimental study – Kaitlin Riegel, Tanya Evans, Jason Stephens
Tuning-in to non-linguistic resources during collective problem-solving in a second language context – Sally-Ann Robertson, Mellony Graven
From deficiency to strengths: Prospective teachers’ shifting frames in noticing student mathematical thinking – Thorsten Scheiner
Accounting for embodiment via gestural number sense – Stephen I. Tucker
Comparing mathematics curricula across countries: What do they tell us? – Jodie Hunter, Ban Heng Choy