Awards and Bursaries

MERGA Career Research Medal

A MERGA Career Research Medal (MCRM) is to be awarded as required (not necessarily annually) to a long-term and active MERGA member who has made a sustained and distinguished contribution to research in mathematics education in Australasia and internationally.

The award of this medal reflects MERGA’s pride in a MERGA member’s outstanding research. Normally, the medal will be awarded at the MERGA conference dinner. Recipients will receive a framed citation, MCRM medallion and a matching MERGA lapel pin.

MERGA Research Award

The MERGA Research Award is for an individual or a team that has made an outstanding contribution to mathematics education research in the previous three years. Normally, one award will be made each year and presented at the AGM, but the Executive may decide to make more than one award, or no awards, in any one year. An individual recipient will receive a trophy. Teams will receive one trophy to share, and a certificate for each member.

Early Career Research Award

In order to encourage new researchers in mathematics education, MERGA sponsors an award to an author in the early part of her/his career. The award, for excellence in writing and presenting a piece of mathematics education research, consists of a prize of $500 and a plaque to be presented at the annual conference.

As part of winning the award, it is expected that the winning recipient will write a brief (one or two paragraphs) report for an upcoming MERGA newsletter.

Beth Southwell Practical Implications Award

The Beth Southwell Practical Implications Award (BSPIA) recognises high-quality mathematics education that produces insights for the teaching profession and/or student learning. The award consists of a prize of $500 and a plaque to be presented at the annual conference.

The award recipient/s will be invited to present a plenary at the conference and share a blog-style post about their work via the MERGA website and newsletter. If you have any questions about the award, please contact Vice President (Development):

Life Membership

The award of Life Membership recognises long association with, and service to, the MERGA community; leadership and innovation within the MERGA community; a contribution to raising the profile of MERGA and enhancing its standing nationally and internationally.

Conference Bursaries

The MERGA Executive provides bursaries to members to encourage and enable attendance at the annual conference. Each bursary is intended to reimburse the cost of early conference registration at the relevant level of membership. A person can receive only one bursary at a time and can only be awarded each bursary once. Applications, together with all necessary supporting documentation, must be emailed to the MERGA Treasurer no later than May 1 each year.

The number of bursaries awarded each year is at the discretion of the MERGA Executive, with the total amount awarded capped at $5 000.

Bursary recipients are expected to write a brief (one or two paragraphs) report of their experience at the annual conference for publication to the broader MERGA community.