Marina Papic, Kate Highfield, Joanne Mulligan, Judith McKay-Tempest, Deborah Garret, Monique Mandarakas, & Elizabeth Granite
This short communication outlines a three-year study with 15 Aboriginal Community Children’s Services across New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. The project engaged more than 60 early childhood educators and approximately 240 children aged 4 to 5 years. Following an Early Mathematical Patterning Assessment (Papic, in press; Papic, Mulligan, & Mitchelmore, 2011) the project implemented an early patterning framework that developed young children’s mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. Follow up interviews with kindergarten teachers, supported by data from Best Start assessments (NSW Department of Education & Training, 2009), provides evidence of the potential impact of this program on children’s mathematics learning. A key finding is the increased confidence and pedagogical content knowledge of early childhood educators.