Catherine AttardThe purpose of this roundtable is to describe a research proposal and seek feedback and advice on the proposed study. The research project aims to investigate current concerns of a downturn in motivation and engagement levels as students move through the middle years of schooling (Years 5 to 8 in New South Wales). Current research has shown at this time of transition from primary schooling to secondary many of these students begin to perceive mathematics to be a special domain in which smart students succeed and others merely get by or fail. Although students feel mathematics is important, many are not pursuing mathematics in the later years of school. This choice is seriously influenced by attitudes towards and performance in mathematics and significantly shaped by school mathematical experiences. While there is a wealth of research investigating issues surrounding the motivation and engagement of students in mathematics during the middle years, there is a gap in the research in terms of longitudinal studies. Through this longitudinal study there will be opportunity investigate if and how levels of motivation and engagement change within students as they progress through the transition from primary to secondary schooling. Within the study factors affecting any changes in motivation and engagement will be investigated and factors that play a role in increasing or sustaining levels motivation and engagement in mathematics will