2023 Conference Proceedings


Generative Teacher Practitioners: Enacting Adaptive Expertise in and Beyond the Classroom – Colleen Vale



Collaboration and Partnership; Indigenous Mathematics and Promoting Justice – Judy-Anne Osborn & Michael Donovan

Restor(y)ing Mathematics, Restor(y)ing Ourselves: A Spiritual Turn in Mathematics Education – Rochelle Gutiérrez

Merging Mathematics Research and Development: Connecting Communities in an Emerging Network of Local and National Projects – Mellony Graven



Throw Away the Script: Examining the Introduction of a Guided Mathematical Inquiry UnitJill Fielding, Saidat Adeniji & Penelope Baker



Big Ideas in School Mathematics – Yew Hoong Leong, Ban Heng Choy, Mohamed Jahabar Jahangeer, Berinderjeet Kaur, Eng Guan Tay, Tin Lam Toh, Cherng Luen Tong & Joseph B. W. Yeo

Embodied Learning in Early Mathematics – Jennifer Way & Katherin Cartwright



Tertiary Students’ Understanding of Sampling Distribution – Adeola Ajao, Noleine Fitzallen, Helen Chick & Greg Oates

What Matters With Out-of-field Teaching: A Preliminary Analysis of Middle Years Teachers of Mathematics in South Australia – Amie Albrecht, Lisa O’Keeffe & Anne Morrison

Identifying and Assessing Students’ Transition Barriers Between Additive and Multiplicative Thinking – Lei Bao

Increasing Participation of Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds in Challenging Mathematics Subjects – Anne Bennison

Instructional Clarity, Classroom Disorder, and Student Achievement in Mathematics: An Exploratory Analysis of TIMSS 2019 – Nathan Berger, Kathryn Holmes & Erin Mackenzie

Mapping Teacher Moves when Facilitating Mathematical Modelling – Jill P Brown & Gloria A Stillman

The Deeply Engrained Behaviourist Assessment Ideologies Constraining School Mathematics – Rebecca Burtenshaw

Changes in Year 11 Students’ Self-Reported Experiences of Emotions Related to CAS and Pen-and-paper – Scott Cameron, Lynda Ball & Vicki Steinle

Teacher Reflections on Trialled Embodied Learning PrinciplesKatherin Cartwright & Jennifer Way

Emergent Division Thinking on Entry to School – Jill Cheeseman, Ann Downton & Kerryn Driscoll

Use of Card Sorting Methodology to Characterise a Primary Teacher’s Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching – Su Ngin Chia & Ban Heng Choy

Design Principles for Raising Students’ Awareness of Implicit Features of Ratio: Creating Opportunities to Make and Catch Mistakes – Sze Looi Chin

UDL: An Alternative to Ability Grouping in Mathematics? – Lisa Darragh, Fiona Ell, Jude Macarthur & Missy Morton

Reflecting Together: Classroom Video as a Tool for Teacher Learning in Mathematics – Raewyn Eden

Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions of a STEM Approach for Selected Student Outcomes – Emma Every & Lynda Ball

Enjoyable Mathematics Lessons can be Contagious – Maggie Feng, Janette Bobis, Bronwyn Reid O’Connor & Jennifer Way

Hypothetical Data Analysis and Representation in Year 4 – Noleine Fitzallen & Jane Watson

Utilising the Expertise of Specialist Intervention Teachers in Primary Mathematics ClassroomsAnn Gervasoni, Kerry Giumelli, Ann Downton, Linda Flanagan, Anne Roche & Owen Wallis

Investigating Pre-Service Teachers’ Skills in Designing Numeracy Activities Across Curriculum Areas Involving Statistics – Seyum Getenet

Challenges to Numeracy Across the Curriculum: Reflections From a Case Study – Vanessa Gorman, Lisa O’Keeffe, Amie Albrecht & Jarrad McPhee

The Use of Rubrics to Enhance Mathematical Teaching and Learning Practices when Engaging with Challenging Mathematical TasksAlison Hall

Sketching as a Spatial Tool: A Qualitative Study of Grade Three Students’ Representation of Reflection – Danielle Harris, Tracy Logan & Tom Lowrie

Preservice Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions of Teacher Knowledge and its Sources – Vesife Hatisaru & Julia Collins

High School Learners’ Mathematical Dispositions and The Influences of Mathematics ClubsWellington Hokonya

Students’ Strategies for Addition and Subtraction Within 20 – Sarah Hopkins, Karina Wilkie & Anne Roche

Mathematical Competence Exhibited by Year 2 Students When Learning Through Sequences of Challenging Tasks – Jane Hubbard

Importance and Centrality of Various Beliefs Held by High School Mathematics Teachers Mairaj Jafri

Making Mathematical Connections to the Order of Operations: Supportive and Problematic Conceptions – Fui Fong Jiew & Lyn English

Remote Australian Primary School Parents’ Attitudes Towards Their Children’s Learning of Mathematics and the Role of Technology – Garry Jones, Dung Tran, Penny Van Bergen & Matt Bower

Mathematical Connections Evident in Secondary Students’ Concept Maps on Transformations of the ParabolaWinfilda Kapofu, Helen Chick, Vesife Hatisaru & Carol Murphy

High-Stakes Examination Tasks as Impetus for Primary Mathematics Teachers’ Reform in their Instructional Practice – Berinderjeet Kaur

Teachers’ Design of Instructional Materials: Locating Teachers’ Appropriation of Usable Knowledge – Yew Hoong Leong

Planning and Anticipating Early Years Students’ Mathematical Responses – Sharyn Livy, Jane Hubbard & James Russo

Using a Triple Number Line to Represent Multiple Constructs of Fractions: A Task Design Process and Product – Tarryn Lovemore, Sally-Ann Robertson & Mellony Graven

Developing Student Teacher Knowledge of Instructional Strategies for Teaching Proportions: The Important Role of Practicum – Xiaowen Ma

Big Ideas in Mathematics: Exploring the Dimensionality of Big Ideas in School Mathematics – Jahangeer Mohamed Jahabar, Toh Tin Lam, Tay Eng Guan & Tong Cherng Luen

Evidence of Young Students’ Critical Mathematical ThinkingChrissy Monteleone & Jodie Miller

Achieving Teacher Professional Growth Through a Focus on Making Students’ Mathematical Thinking Visible – Tracey Muir

Peer Collaboration in Early Years Mathematics: A Linguistic Analysis – Carol Murphy, Damon Thomas & Tracey Muir

Data Interpretation and Representation in Middle Primary: Two Case Studies – Gabrielle Oslington & Joanne Mulligan

Managing the Ongoing Impact of Colonialism on Mathematics Education – Kay Owens

Identifying and Evaluating Upper Primary School Students’ Mental Computation Strategies – Tracey Reader, Kevin Larkin & Peter Grootenboer

Mathematics Proficiency in F-6 in Version 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum – Bronwyn Reid O’Connor, Dung Tran & Rebekah Strang

Rethinking the Number Magnitude-Based Progression: An Analysis of Place Value Development in Years 3–6 – Angela Rogers

Barriers to Integration: A Case Study of STEM-Learning in Mathematics and Digital Technology – Emily Ross & Margaret Marshman

Examining the Role of Mathematics in Primary School STEM Lessons: Insights from a Professional Development Course in IndonesiaRumiati & Wahyudi

Gender Differences in How Students Solve the Most Difficult to Retrieve Single-Digit Addition Problems – James Russo & Sarah Hopkins

A Framework for Designing Green Mathematics Tasks – Soma Salim

Evidencing Relational Trust Within Mathematics Leadership Activity – Matt Sexton & Janeen Lamb

How Children and Their Teacher Use Different Ways of Talking During Whole Class Interactions in a New Zealand Primary Classroom – Shweta Sharma

A Curriculum Comparison of Years 9–10 Measurement and Geometry in Australia and Singapore – Ellen Sugianto, Lisa O’Keeffe, Amie Albrecht & Hannah Soong

A Further Investigation to Introducing the Equal Sign in China – Jiqing Sun & Yifan Gu

Primary Pre-Service Teachers’ Beliefs About Challenging Mathematical TasksTammy Tran & Janette Bobis

Teachers’ Experiences of Developing Ethnomathematical Ideas for Classroom Teaching: A Case Study in the Solomon Islands – Raynier Tutuo, Hem Dayal, Robin Averill & Kay Owens

Conversations About Place Value: A Survey of Literature Across Three International Research Communities – Pamela Vale & Lise Westaway

Learning to Notice Algebraically: The Impact of Designed Instructional Material on Student Thinking – Bridget Wadham, Emily Pearce & Jodie Hunter

Introducing a Structured Problem-Solving Approach Through Lesson Study: A Case Study of One Fijian Teacher’s Professional Learning – Indra Wati

A Tri-Nation Comparative Study of Place Value in Early Years Curricula Documents – Lise Westaway, Silke Ladel, Pamela Vale, Kevin Larkin, Mellony Graven & Ulrich Kortenkamp

Exploring the Impact on Practice of Secondary Teachers’ Beliefs and Attitudes Towards 21st Century Skills and Mathematical Proficiency Rachael Whitney-Smith & Lorraine Day

Searching for, Sifting Through, and Selecting Curriculum Materials for Mathematics Planning During Practicum – Susanna Wilson



Gender Diversity and Mathematics: Implications and Directions For Future Gender Research – Helen Forgasz

Mathematical PlayWorld: A New Practice of Teaching Young Children’s Mathematics in Play – Liang Li & Leigh Disney

Where have the Very Young Children Gone in Mathematics Education Research?Laurinda Lomas, Audrey Cooke, Chrissy Monteleone, Belinda Trewartha & Ann Downton

Technology-Enhanced Mathematics Retraining for Quality Teaching – Elena Prieto-Rodriguez & Sabrina Syed

Inclusive Mathematics Education: Supporting Students who are Hard of Hearing or Deaf/deaf – Kate Quane, Lorraine Gaunt, Belinda Trewartha & Tom Porta

Enabling Beginning Secondary Mathematics Teachers to Flourish: Teacher Identity Development During School-Based Placements – Bronwyn Reid O’Connor, Ben Zunica & Eddie Woo

How Do Primary Pre-Service Teachers Plan and Document Rich Mathematics Learning Experiences using a Zoo? – Shaileigh Rowtcliff & Timna Garnett



Exploring Possible Mechanisms Supporting Transfer of Spatial Reasoning Training to Measurement and Geometry Achievement – Jonathan Adams

How Kura Kaupapa Māori Supports Learners to Develop Positive Mathematics Identities – Melina Marama Amos, Tony Trinick & Lisa Darragh

Where is the Mathematics in Teacher Designed STEM Tasks? – Judy Anderson & Kate Wilson

The Nature of Multiplication Constructs, Representations, and Strategies in the South African and Australian CurriculumTammy Booysen & Lise Westaway

Digital Technologies in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics Jennifer Chalmers, Lisa O’Keeffe, Vitomir Kovanovic & Shane Dawson

Teaching Mathematics Through Problem Solving for Low-Readiness Learners – Ban Heng Choy

Using Barad’s ‘Apparatus’ to Reconceptualise the Young Preverbal Child’s Mathematical Engagement in Their Environment – Audrey Cooke

Unpacking the ‘M’ in Integrated STEM Tasks: A Systematic Review – Gabi Cooper & Ban Heng Choy

Perfect for Whom? Producing Mathematics Learner Identities Via Online Instructional Platforms – Lisa Darragh

Identifying and Developing Mathematics in Australian Indigenous Languages: A Functional Typological Approach – Cris Edmonds-Wathen

Exploring Primary Teacher Education Students’ Self-perception of Readiness to Teach Mathematics – Kylie-Ann Fitzgerald, Thuan Thai & Gregory Hine

What’s the Problem? Implementing School Mathematics Curriculum Reform – Merrilyn Goos, Margaret Marshman, Anne Bennison & Emily Ross

Capturing Conceptual Changes with Dynamic Digital Representations – Amelia Gorman, Jennifer Way & Janette Bobis

Mathematics Instruction Online: Finding the Right Level of Challenge in Emergency Remote Teaching – Anita Green

Pre-Service Teachers Use of a Pedagogical Framework to Notice Students’ Mathematical Thinking – Mark Gronow, Michael Cavanagh & Joanne Mulligan

Student Responses to a Cognitive Activation Pedagogical ApproachCiara Harding, Janette Bobis & Jennifer Way

Exploring Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Motivation to Attend Voluntary Professional Learning – Gregory Hine & Rachael Whitney-Smith

Building Capability for Prep-12 Teachers in Mathematical Inquiry Pedagogies – Rhonda Horne, Linda Carroll, Paulina Sliedrecht & Rose Wood

Exploring Using the Empty Number Line for Enhancing Pre-Service Teachers’ Mental Computations – Tarryn Lovemore

Mathematical Thinking in Primary School Students: The Relative Contribution of Student and Teacher Characteristics – Erin Mackenzie, Nathan Berger, Matt Thompson & Kathryn Holmes

Differentiating Instruction in Junior Secondary Mathematics: A Resource PerspectiveAndrew Marks & Jana Visnovska

Creating Dialogic Spaces: A Comparative Study of Ground Rules – Kevin Martin & Nigel Calder

Maths in the Play World of KindergartenNadine Meredith & Alison Busuttil

Interdisciplinary Mathematics and Science (IMS): Data Modelling of Plant Growth in Grade 2 – Joanne Mulligan, Peta White, Russell Tytler & Melinda Kirk

Talking Maths: Analysing Classroom Discourse and Student Talk – Carol Murphy & Tracey Muir

An Autoethnographic Intervention to Improve Own Teaching Practices and Student Learning: An Innovative Approach – Sitti Maesuri Patahuddin

“I Did it in My Head”: Investigating Children’s Mathematical ThinkingKate Quane & Carolyn Bruhen

Orchestrating Mediational Means in Solving a Mathematical Problem – Sally-Ann Robertson & Mellony Graven

How Do Primary Pre-Service Teachers Use Feedback and Reflection Cycles to Plan Rich Mathematics Learning Experiences? – Shaileigh Rowtcliff & Timna Garnett

A Middle School Student’s Concept of Equivalent Fractions: Misconception or Transitional Conception? – Jaehong Shin & Soo Jin Lee

Is It Merely A ‘Drill’? A Lesson Learnt from Chinese Mathematics ‘Drill Practice’ – Jiqing Sun

A Study of the Mathematics Experiences of Students with Down Syndrome in Australian Primary SchoolsMatt Thompson, Catherine Attard & Kathryn Holmes

A Conceptual Classification of Mathematical Symbols: Encompassing a Student’s Stroke Order of Mathematical Symbols in Semiotic Resources by Unpacking Written Signs – Daiki Urayama

Teacher-Parent Partnerships in the Post-Covid Context – Pamela Vale & Mellony Graven

Change in Primary Students Algebraic Functional Thinking – Bridget Wadham & Emily Pearce

‘Chalk and Talk’ and the Development of 21st Century Skills in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom – Ben Zunica