2016 Conference Proceedings


How Theory-Building Research on Instruction can Support Instructional Improvement: Toward a Modelling Perspective in Secondary Geometry – Patricio Herbst

Whither Statistics Education Research? – Jane Watson

Learning by Leading: Dynamic Mentoring to Support Culturally Responsive Mathematical Inquiry Communities – Roberta Hunter, Jodie Hunter, Trevor Bills, & Zain Thompson



Let’s Count: Improving Community Approaches to Early Years Mathematics Learning, Teaching and Dispositions through Noticing, Exploring and Talking about Mathematics – Bob Perry, Ann Gervasoni, Anne Hampshire, & Will O’Neill



Teacher actions that encourage students to persist in solving challenging mathematical tasks – Naomi Ingram, Chris Linsell, Marilyn Holmes, Sharyn Livy, & Peter Sullivan

Perceptions of Challenging Tasks and Achievement by New Zealand Students – Chris Linsell, Marilyn Holmes, Naomi Ingram, Sharyn Livy, & Peter Sullivan

A Highly Capable Year 6 student’s response to a challenging mathematical task – Sharyn Livy, Naomi Ingram, Marilyn Holmes, Chris Linsell, & Peter Sullivan

The intent and processes of a professional learning initiative seeking to foster discussion around innovative approaches to teaching – Peter Sullivan, Marilyn Holmes, Naomi Ingram, Chris Linsell, Sharyn Livy, & Melody McCormick



Young Children’s Drawings in Problem Solving – Kamariah Abu Bakar, Jennifer Way, & Janette Bobis

Assessing Children’s Progress in Taking Intellectual Risks in a Mathematical Inquiry Classroom with a Positive Learning Approach – Sue Allmond, Jude Hillman, Karen Huntly, Katie Makar, & Mia O’Brien

Investigating the Impact of Context on Students’ Performance – Felipe Almuna Salgado

Developing a Theoretical Framework for Classifying Levels of Context Use for Mathematical Problems – Felipe Almuna Salgado

Whither Ability Grouping: Changing the Object of Groupwork – Glenda Anthony, Roberta Hunter, & Jodie Hunter

Learning at the Boundaries: Collaboration between Mathematicians and Mathematics Educators Within and Across Institutions – Anne Bennison & Merrilyn Goos

Discerning the Shared Beliefs of Teachers in a Secondary School Mathematics Department – Kim Beswick

Opening Up the Profession: Inclusive Messages for Pre-Service Teachers from a Pedagogy Textbook – Amber Brass

Preparing for the Numeracy Skills Test: Developing a Self- Perception for Success – Leni Brown & Lisa O’Keeffe

Constructing Classroom Contexts that Engage Students in the Learning of Mathematics: a Teacher’s Perspective – Raymond Brown & Trevor Redmond

Teachers’ Use of a Pedagogical Framework for Improvement in Mathematics Teaching: Case Studies from YuMi Deadly Maths – Merilyn (Lyn) Carter, Tom Cooper & Robyn Anderson

Large-Scale Professional Development Towards Emancipatory Mathematics: The Genesis of YuMi Deadly Maths – Tom Cooper, & Merilyn (Lyn) Carter

The Priorities and Challenges of Primary Teachers’ Knowledge in their Mathematics Planning – Aylie Davidson

A rich assessment task as a window into students’ multiplicative reasoning – Ann Downton & Vince Wright

The Relevance of Mathematics: Leaders and Teachers as Gatekeeper for Queensland Senior Calculus Mathematics – Michael Easey & Jim Gleeson

Key Elements of a Good Mathematics Lesson as Seen by Japanese Junior High School Teachers – Marlon Ebaeguin & Max Stephens

Mathematics is just 1 + 1 = 2, what is there to argue about?”: Developing a framework for Argument-Based Mathematical Inquiry – Jill Fielding-Wells

interpreting Association from Graphical Displays – Noleine Fitzallen

Numeracy for Learners and Teachers: Evaluation of an MTeach coursework unit at Monash University – Helen Forgasz & Jennifer Hall

Numeracy and Australian teachers – Helen Forgasz & Gilah Leder

Early Childhood Teachers’ integration of ICTs: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Barriers – Jillian Fox, Carmel Diezmann, & Janeen Lamb

Designing Online Learning for Developing Pre-service Teachers’ Capabilities in Mathematical Modelling and Applications – Vince Geiger, Liz Date-Huxtable, Rehez Ahlip, Marie Herberstein, D. Heath Jones, E. Julian May, Leanne Rylands, Ian Wright, and Joanne Mulligan

Teachers as Designers of Effective Numeracy Tasks – Vince Geiger

Hurdles in Acquiring the Number Word Sequence – Peter Gould

Professional learning in mathematical reasoning: Reflections of a primary teacher – Sandra Herbert, Wanty Widjaja, Leicha A. Bragg, Esther Loong, & Colleen Vale

Investigating Declining Enrolments in Secondary Mathematics – Gregory Hine

Collaboration around observation of teaching: Powerful professional learning – Louise Hodgson

Improving the efficiency of problem-solving practice for children with retrieval difficulties – Sarah Hopkins & Celeste de Villiers

Assessing children’s strategy choices to make better decisions about remediation – Sarah Hopkins

A case study on the impact of teacher mathematical knowledge on pedagogical practices – Sally Hughes

Sliding into Multiplicative Thinking: The Power of the “Marvellous Multiplier” – Chris Hurst & Derek Hurrell

Assessing Children’s Multiplicative Thinking – Chris Hurst & Derek Hurrell

Commognitive Analysis of Undergraduate Mathematics Students’ Responses in Proving Subgroup’s Non-Emptiness – Marios Ioannou

Investigating the Interconnections between Cognitive, Affective and Pedagogical Issues in the Learning of Group Theory – Marios Ioannou

An Ecological Analysis of Mathematics Teachers’ Noticing – Dan Jazby

Middle Leadership: Critical Variables in Building and Implementing Digital Reforms in Primary Mathematics Education – Robyn Jorgensen (Zevenbergen), Janeen Lamb, & Kevin Larkin

A Collaborative and Reflective Approach to Teaching for Metacognition – Berinderjeet Kaur & Lai-Fong Wong

Changes in Teachers’ Knowledge and Beliefs about Mathematics and Mathematics Teaching: A Case Study – Laurinda Lomas & Doug Clarke

Sustainable improvements in student mathematics learning and disposition as a result of Prepare 2 Learn intervention – Bernadette Long

Spatial Reasoning Influences Students’ Performance on Mathematics Tasks – Tom Lowrie, Tracy Logan, & Ajay Ramful

Early mathematical competencies and later outcomes: Insights from the longitudinal study of Australian children – Amy MacDonald & Colin Carmichael

“I believe the most helpful thing was him skipping over the proof”: Examining PCK in a senior secondary mathematics lesson – Nicole Maher, Helen Chick, & Tracey Muir

Improving the Intellectual Quality of Pedagogy in Primary Classrooms through Mathematical Inquiry – Katie Makar

Children noticing their own and others’ mathematics in play – Amber Marcus, Bob Perry, Sue Dockett, & Amy MacDonald

The Role of Reasoning in the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics – Catherine McCluskey, Joanne Mulligan, & Mike Mitchelmore

Exploring the Cognitive Demand and Features of Problem-Solving Tasks in Primary Mathematics Classrooms – Melody McCormick

A Professional Experience Model for Primary Pre-service Teachers Specialising in Mathematics – Heather McMaster & Michael Cavanagh

Young Indigenous Students en Route to Generalising Growing Patterns – Jodie Miller

Developing Conceptual Understanding of Fractions with Year Five and Six Students – Judith Mills

No more “What are we doing in maths today?” Affordances of the Flipped Classroom Approach – Tracey Muir

Experiencing mathematics for connected understanding: using the RAMR framework for accelerating students’ learning – David Nutchey, Edlyn Grant, & Lyn English

A Preliminary Analysis of the Linguistic Complexity of Numeracy Skills Test Items for Pre-Service Teachers – Lisa O’Keeffe

The Power of Creativity: A Case-Study of a Mathematically Highly Capable Grade 5 Student – Linda Parish

Competence with Fractions in Fifth or Sixth Grade as a Unique Predictor of Algebraic Thinking? – Catherine Pearn & Max Stephens

It’s Only Maths: The potential impact of a mentoring project to ameliorate mathematics anxiety in teacher education students – Timothy Perkins

History-infused Lessons in Introductory Calculus at the Secondary level: Students’ Learning and Perceptions – Wei Beng Poh & Jaguthsing Dindyal

Supporting Teachers Developing Mathematical Tasks with Digital Technology – Iresha Ratnayake, Greg Oates & Mike Thomas

Investigating Students’ Mathematical Difficulties with Quadratic Equations – Bronwyn Reid O’Connor & Stephen Norton

Learning from Lessons: Teachers’ Insights and Intended Actions Arising from their Learning about Student Thinking – Anne Roche, Doug Clarke, David Clarke, & Man Ching Esther Chan

Supporting Children with Special Needs in Learning Basic Computation Skills: The Case of Mia – Thomas Rottmann & Andrea Peter-Koop

Insights from a financial literacy task designer: The curious case of problem context – Carly Sawatzki

High school students’ knowledge of a square as a basis for developing a geometric learning progression – Rebecca Seah, Marj Horne, & Adrian Berenger

Understanding Time: A Research Based Framework – Margaret Thomas, Doug Clarke, Andrea McDonough, & Philip Clarkson

Time: Assessing Understanding of Core Ideas – Margaret Thomas, Andrea McDonough, Philip Clarkson, & Doug Clarke

Developing Teachers’ Reasoning about Comparing Distributions: A Cross-Institutional Effort – Dung Tran, Hollylynne Lee, & Helen Doer

Quality of Life: Domains for Understanding Maths Anxiety in First Year Pre-service Teachers through Identity Work – Sue Wilson

Developing mathematical content knowledge for teaching: One preservice teacher and her planning – Susanna Wilson

Visualisation and Analytic Strategies for Anticipating the Folding of Nets – Vince Wright

Developing early Place-value Understanding: A Framework for Tens Awareness – Jenny Young-Loveridge & Brenda Bicknell

Distribution of high achieving students on NAPLAN across schools: Implications for policy and teacher training – Simone Zmood

Staff Development: The Missing Ingredient in teaching Geometry to Year 3 Students – Kevin Larkin, Peter Grootenboer, and Peita Lack



A Five Question Approach to Teaching Mathematics – John Ley

A Study of the Relationship between Conceptions of Mathematics and NAPLAN Numeracy Test Results – Sven Trenholm, Mohan Chinnappan, Bronwyn Hajek, Helen Ashman & Amie Albrecht

An Analysis of Senior Secondary Mathematics Written Examinations with Respect to Calculator Use – Hazel Tan

An Application of the Five Processes of Mathematical Thinking to Numeracy Sample Items – Lisa O’Keeffe & Patrick Johnson

An Exploratory Investigation on the Influence of Mathematical Modelling on Students’ Real-world Problem Solving Skills – Siew Yee Lim, Hui Yi Ting, Deepa Patel, Linda Shear,& Eddie Tay

Beliefs about Mathematics and Teaching when Crossing Subject Boundaries to Teach Mathematics – Colleen Vale

Breaking the Barrier Between Learning and Assessment – Kristen Di Cerbo & Denise Jacobsson

Consumer and financial literacy education: Engaging primary teachers and their students in mathematics – Catherine Attard & Matt Thompson

D.A.T.A.: Data, Analysis, Then Action – National Statistics Initiative – Peter Howley

How Middle Years Students Create and Utilize Data Models to Estimate Population: A Case Study – Takashi Kawakami & Kosuke Mineno

Increasing Parental Involvement – Monica Wong & Nicola Cull

Reconceptualising Curriculum Design to Promote Students’ Conceptual Understanding of Mathematics: A Focus on Fractions – Maria Quigley

Secondary student’s perceptions of what is important when they are learning Mathematics – Bruce White

Students’ perceptions of what teachers do and what students themselves do that helps them: Student views on 21st Century Teaching and Learning of Mathematics – Bruce White

Teaching financial literacy for social justice in mathematic classrooms – Levon Blue & Peter Grootenboer

The reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry Protocol – Steve Thornton

Using Metaphors, Models and Multi-modalities when Teaching Year 2 Students Part-Part-Whole Relationships: A Fine-Grained Analysis – Paula Mildenhall & Barbara Sherriff



Mathematical Inquiry Community – Katie Makar, Jill Fielding-Wells

Mathematics and Task Design – Christine Mae, Janette Bobis, & Jennifer Way

Mathematics Education/Research in an Open and Big Data Era – Theodosia Prodromou

Mathematics Support Teacher (MST): What has been the impact on the students? – Deborah Gibbs & Fiona Fox

Provoking Contingent Moments: A New Model of Knowledge for Powerful Teaching at the Mathematical Horizon – Chris Hurst

Secondary teachers’ participation in STEM professional development: Challenges and opportunities – Judy Anderson & Gaye Williams

Teachers Collaborating to Accelerate Learning for Students Struggling in Mathematics – Jill Peterson, Anne Milburn, & Gaynor Terrill

What is the Evidence for Best Practice in Mathematics Education? – Rosemary Callingham, Judy Anderson, Kim Beswick, Colin Carmichael, Vince Geiger, Merrilyn Goos, Derek Hurrell, Christopher Hurst, Tracey Muir, & Helen Watt